Register for the 2025 Golf Classic

Triangle, Inc.'s 2025 Golf Classic
07/28/2025 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM ET

Ticket Options

Ticket Price Quantity
Co-Presenting Tournament Sponsor
This sponsorship level includes 6 foursomes, custom tournament banner, logo on all promotional materials & social media posts, and 6 hole sponsor signs.
Passport Package for Co-Presenting Tournament Sponsor
The Passport Package for 6 foursomes (24 individual packages) that contain entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Reception Sponsor
This sponsorship level includes 4 foursomes, custom banner in reception space, logo on all promotional materials & social media posts, and 4 hole sponsor signs.
Passport Package for Reception Sponsor
The Passport Package for 4 foursomes includes entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Lunch Sponsor
This sponsorship level includes 2 foursomes, custom signage on boxed lunches, logo on promotional materials, and 2 hole sponsor signs.
Passport Package for Lunch Sponsor
The Passport Package for 2 foursomes includes entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Cocktail Sponsor
This sponsorship level includes 1 foursome, logo on bar signage, recognition on all promotional materials, and 1 hole sponsor sign.
Passport Package for Cocktail Sponsor
The Passport Package for Cocktail Sponsor (4 individual packages) includes entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Corporate Foursome
Includes 1 foursome and 1 hole sponsor sign.
Regular Foursome
Includes 1 foursome.
Passport Package for Regular or Corporate Foursome
The Passport Package for 1 foursome includes 4 packages that contain entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Individual Ticket
Includes 1 ticket for 1 golfer.
Passport Package for Individual Golfer
The Passport Package for 1 golfer includes entry into all on-course contests, including Longest Drive and Hole-in-One, 2 mulligans, sleeve of golf balls, 2 drink tickets, Triangle-branded water bottle, and more!
Hole Sponsor
Includes lawn sign with company logo at the hole of your choice (subject to availability).

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